Rapid Prototyping: Microlearning
I presented this rapid prototype during a past job interview (2022) as a demonstration of my process. The design case asked for a microlearning wireframe created in 4 hours or less, along with an estimated timeline for completing the project. The experience I prototyped aims to provide an authentic learning opportunity that can fit into small windows of time for busy learners studying healthcare.
Audience: College-level learners studying healthcare
Methods: For this exercise, I utilized my own lived experience to inspire the subject matter; seeking a Celiac disease diagnosis, a notoriously challenging condition to discern from typical gastrointestinal distresses
Tools: Invision Freehand, Google Slides for the accompanying presentation
Companion Materials
Download the Presentation Deck, which includes some talking points to provide further context
Link to Invision Freehand (sunsetting 12/31/2024)
How I’d Change It Today
With the advent of generative AI tools, a simulation like this could be made in even less time than I scoped in 2022. Many case videos could be created to add variety and allow more practice opportunities, and AI-generated submissions could serve as review opportunities for students. The integration of an active generative AI agent could also provide an opportunity for guided reflection, and a transcript of the learner’s AI conversations could be sent to instructors for review and feedback.